OK so your in the intro. So you must want to learn assmebler huh? even if you got to this page in error stick around , you just might learn something. ok first thing you should know about ASM is that its a programing language meaning you write computer programs with it. COmputer programs are stuf on yoru computer, you know like your games, word processing soft ware,e tc, those all programs. ok lets start. Firts thing you gotta know is how to code. basicly you just make a new text file and enter your code.. then save it as a file with a .asm extension then when your done youll use a compiler tot rnaslate your code into the final program. I recommend tasm and tlinker OK lets start.. first you have to know that ASM will use alot of Hexadecimal numerals. hex is anotyher number system. The one you use is base 10, but hex is base 16 hyour use to: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Hex is 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1a 1b etc So, think now how to calculate a number. because youll need it. Now toteach you about reigsters there are 4 main registers and 8 secondary registers in a X86 processor AX CX DX BX ah al ch cl dh dl bh bl all of them can be manipulated to do different things using the MOV command, which moves a value from one location into another Syntax< mov reg, value or reg> examples: mov ah,ch mov bh,9h ;9 hex after this, the ah reigster will have the same value as ch and bh will be equal to 9. Next. LEA Load Effective address syntax: lea dx,bx this will laod the address in memory of what ever bx holds into DX. xchg. exchange syntax xchg ax,bx the values which they contain will exhange each willg et the others value push syntax push ax will savew ax to memory pop pop ax pop restores what ever is on stack to ax